Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dear Sir, Please hire me.

So you want to be a writer. Well, maybe you don't but for some reason I do. I guess I must have the urge to create, pick your medium. Seriously though, I think I really need a job, and I am not really sure what to get a job at, I would really like to do something that I enjoy. I know you are saying, "If wishes were horses, we would all have nickels" - no wait - that is not it. I know getting paid to do something that we enjoy and can be proud of is not always obtainable, but I am going to try, I mean what else is an art school graduate living in Small Town, Alabama to do but go big or go home - unemployed.

So I am applying to 2 freelance writing jobs that I really want. One is at and is P E R F E C T for me. It is a Guide Writer job on your expert topic, and they have an opening in Interior Decorating, Bedroom. Since my BFA has a concentration in Interior Design, I could totally work this. The second job is a bit more tricky, but is for Living Social, writing up wry, obnoxious, and funny paragraphs advertising the local deals, as well as coming up with things to do in your chosen city. Trouble is the chosen city is Mobile, either prophetic for Jason getting accepted to USA - or I get to visit the beach once a month. Either way I will take it.

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