This might be my favorite line out of a book ever. In my pursuit to read literature outside of the Twilight Saga I am reading Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5. It's not really that great so far. I am trying hard to read it and get to the part that is going to make this book "great" - since I assume it must be this famous for a reason. I read that line on page 73 and thought about how true to life that statement actually is.
I like to think I am a naturally caring person, but I think I have to try "hard to care," because it would be so easy to slip into complete selfishness and only worry about matters that pertain to me.
So I am trying hard to care about this book. Concentrating on the words as I follow this journey through time. My dad told me for every book you read you become that much smarter - so alas I am trying hard to care.