Sorry to all my non-existent readers. I was on vacation at home! I haven't posted any blogs lately because my life is boring......okay not really but here goes.
Last week I was off work all week and I had a really great time. I tried to make sure that I did not waste one day of it!
Saturday - Jason's Paintball Team BBQ
Sunday - Was really hot......watched football
Monday - Hung out with the parentals
Tuesday - Lunch and tea party with Kari!
Wednesday - Went shopping
Thursday - Visited Women in the Word (Miss you guys!)
Friday - Relaxed (Oh and got into a minor car accident!)
Saturday - Jason's mom came and brought me dinner
Sunday - Watch football all day!
Yeah so it was a great week. Ollie is now a crawling MADMAN! I have a great video of him, I will try to get it uploaded, but it is pretty big.