As I unpacked my LAST box today I felt the rush of excitement - or maybe more so relief! I feel like I have been moving forever! First from the apartment to the garage, then a week at the inlaws, then into the new place, then to work for a week, then back to unpacking over the weekend and today - TADA! What was even great about it was that I decided not to do anything yesterday, because I was so tired, that I would just finish whenever, and then, the Lord blessed me with a day off unexpectedly, so I got to run my errands and finish unpacking today while feeling rested.
There are still a few odds and ends to finish up, mostly things on J's "honey do" list, and there is still a bit of wall to paint, but other than that we are really settling in!
Back to work tomorrow and then my mom comes up to visit on Thursday! So excited! Friday night Jason is going to stay home with Ollie and we are going to go to the movies! WOOT! Anyways, I will try ot get some pictures of the house posted for you all as soon as I take them. Until lata!